
Solving problems, respecting environment and recovering energy


Necessary introduction to the sub-section of plants for the treatment of waste is the consideration that every year in the world, as well as in our country, billions of tons of solid wastes are produced and that they do represent an environment high-impact problem. The strong global population growth, despite the recessive economic times, certainly has not reduced the waste volume but put the developed countries in condition to give a different solution to this growing problem.

BRU.IMPIANTI Group for three decades has designed, improved and manufactured plants for the treatment of waste supporting their re-use through the recycling of materials (via differentiated waste collection) and the production of energy from their combustion and the heat recovery (heat exchangers) with conversion systems for both electric power production or thermic power production.

Development areas for #waste


Dispose properly of hospital waste


Recovering the production waste


Producing energy solving a problem


Preserving breeding farms and public health as well


Eliminate residues resulting from depuration

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